Privacy Policy

  1. The process on is a three step process. One, customer visits our website for information on insurance products; Two, s/he registers herself/ himself on the website and selects the companies (Maximum four) from where s/he wants to take the information and three, s/he receives a call from the selected company (or companies) for product information.

  2. So, when you register on you authorize us and our associate partners to contact you via email or sms or phone to offer you their services for the product you are looking for; including product knowledge, promotional offers- offered by the associated third parties or which are running on website – irrespective of the fact if you have registered for DND or DNC service.

  3. By registering yourself, you are authorizing and its associated partners to contact you for are above mentioned process for next six months.

  4. Once you register yourself on (and provide us information like, first name, last name, city, state, gender, DOB etc.), you are not anonymous to us. By visiting this site, you are also sharing some other information with us, such as Internet protocol (IP) addresses, time spent on the website, navigation through the site, the systems and programs used etc.

  5. These information can be used by us various analysis, like – website traffic analysis etc. Also, by registering yourself, you are authorizing us to send sms/email alerts to you for your login details and any other details any any other service requirements or some advertising messages/emails from us. However, this policy does not apply to the practices of any person who is not employed or managed by or any company that does not own or control. may amend this policy from time to time, at our discretion.

  6. If we make any substantial changes in the way we use your personal information we will notify you by posting the changes here on these privacy policy pages.

  7. Disclaimer Please note that the information provided is collected from sources publicly available & we believe to be reliable. The website doesn't warrant the accuracy, reliability & absolute information available on the website. Participation by site visitors or registered customers is on a voluntary basis.

  8. The policies are offered by various life Insurance & non-life insurance offering companies and does not seek to, either directly or indirectly, advise, offer, solicit or recommend that any person who is or proposes to become its member should purchase the Policy.